Friday, June 28, 2013

Antong Falls

antong fall - located at brgy.inmalog town of sison province of pangasinan. from our place, we took a bus ride heading baguio via manaoag area..then ask the driver to drop you off to NCC or northern cement corporation. from there,take a tricycle ride routing inmalog...then you will take a long walk crossing a rice field, corn field,river banks,then there you'll find a hanging bridge..from there get the direction pointing the two mango that point you'll take a long walk again croosing a rice field,corn field, then alas! a sign welcoming you to antong falls..from that spot you'll take a walk passing through a small and heavy rock..after more than hour of will be amazed of God's wonder nature.. 

the majestic antong falls - lower part
heavy rocks formation at antong falls
Hanging bridge at antong falls
hanging bridge at antong falls passisng through inmalog river

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dagupan City

Heaven Cries over the city of dagupan and its river sparks like a hometown for it's majestic view..

Dagupan cames from the word pandaragupan which it means 'people are gathering"..

Pantal River-pantal means a shore..from the word pantalan..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

my favorate short stories...

Some time ago a Downtown police officer observe a man standing on a bridge, apparently thinking of committing suicide. The policeman approached him and said, "Let me make a deal with you. Give me ten minutes to tell you why i think life is worth living, then you take ten minutes and tell me why you think life is not worth living. If i am unable to convince you, I will let you jump" According to the story, after twenty minutes they joined in hands and both jumped off the bridge.

short story 2

*once there was a man
who had grown so weary
he was tire to death
*one day he decided
to leave his home and his ancestral village,
to seach for the magical city
where all would be different,new,full and rewading
so he left
*on his journey
he found himself in a forest
he settle down for the night
he was careful to take his shoes
and point them in the new direction
towar which he was going,
however unknown to him.
*while he sleft,a jokester came along during the night
and turn his shoes around
when he awake the next morning,
he carefully stepped into his shoes and continued on
his journey to the magical city
*after a few days,he came to the magical city
it was not quite as large as he had imagined it would be
hoever,in fact,it looked somewhat familiar,
he found a small house in a familiar street,
he knocked at familiar door and
found a famliiar family,
and lived happily ever after...